Prof. Dipin Mathur
Papers Published20
Projects Supervised150
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates03
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (06)
International (16) -
No. of Books Authored03
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (14)
Conducted (03)

Dr. Shanker Choudhary
Papers Published21
Projects Supervised190
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates15
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (06)
International (10) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (20)
Conducted (120)
HOD, Marketing, Chief Co-ordinator (T&P) B.Tech. (E & C), MBA (IT, Mkt.)
Total Experience 17 yrs., Corporate Exp: 9 yrs Academic Exp: 7 yrs.
Research Scholars working for Ph.D - 05

Dr. Pushpkant Shakdwipee
Papers Published03
Projects Supervised60, 02 Ph.D.
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates---
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (20)
International (08) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (26)
Conducted (01)
HOD, Finance and Accounts, Asso. Prof. Banking, Insurance, Accounting & Research
Methodology. Expertise in Research Paper Review, Indian Ethos & Management.
12 Year's Academic exp.
Research Scholars Working for Ph.D - 4.

Mr. Shivoham Singh
Papers Published22
Projects Supervised287
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates08
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (24)
International (20) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (15)
Conducted (11)
HOD Production Assistant Prof. MBA, FDP (IIM-A), Operation Research, RM, QT & Marketing Management. Total Exp. : 10yrs 09 Year's Academic & 01 year's Corporate exp. Expertise in Simulation, Case Writing, Analysis & Role Plays Modeling through Excel.

Dr. Devendra Shrimali
Papers Published20
Projects Supervised200
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates06
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (08)
International (12) -
No. of Books Authored01
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (20)
Conducted (10)
HOD, Finance Associate Professor Ph.D., MBA, M.Com (Gold Medalist), NET, SLET, RSCIT,
RPSC Set, Area: Finance
9 Years of academic exp, Research Scholar working for Ph.D - 06

Dr. Dharmesh Motwani
Papers Published23
Projects Supervised20
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates---
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (06)
International (09) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (08)
Conducted (06)
Assistant Prof. B.Sc., MBA, M.Com, NET, Ph.D Area: Research & Marketing Total Exp. 5.5 yrs., Expertise: Conducting GD & Role Plays, Research Scholar working for Ph.D - 02.

Dr. Shikha Bhargava
Papers Published04
Projects Supervised200+
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates01
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (---)
International (08) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (11)
Conducted (13)
Assistant Prof. Finance & Marketing. 5 Year's Corporate & 3 year's Academic exp. Expertise in Top Business Story Discussion & Grid Training, Facilitating Experiential Learning, CRM.

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
Papers Published15
Projects Supervised11
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates---
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (06)
International (08) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (12)
Conducted (08)
Additional Editor Pacific Business Review, Assistant Prof. B.Sc, MBA,M.Com, NET Pursuing Ph.D Area: Operation Research & Production Mgmt. Total Exp. 7yrs., Corporate 3yrs. Academic 4yrs. Expertise in: GD, Management Games & Computer Application.

Dr. Nidhi Nalwaya
Papers Published13
Projects Supervised60
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates02
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (04)
International (13) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (02)
Conducted (01)
Assistant Professor, B.Com, MBA(Finance), M.Com, Expertise : Accounting, Financial Services, Banking & Financial Mgt. Joint Editor Pacific Update. Academic Exp. 5 yrs.

Dr. Rahul Vyas
Papers Published18
Projects Supervised70
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates05
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (05)
International (08) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (04)
Conducted (02)
Assistant prof.MBA,LLB,Area : Marketing (Sales & Distribution )Total Exp.:14 Yrs.,Corporate Exp. 11 yrs.,Teaching 2.5 Yrs .

Mr. R.M. Bangar
Papers Published---
Projects Supervised21
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates01
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (---)
International (---) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (12)
Conducted (15)
Chief Convener, Training & Placement Area: Marketing Communications, Corporate Strategy & Strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing Academic: 8 Years Experience: Expertise in conducting MDPs, Sensitivity Training, Communication Skills, capabilities by firms.

Dr. Sheela DashoraM
Papers Published02
Projects Supervised---
Resource Person to other institutes & Corporates03
Presentation of Papers in
Conference/SeminarNational (10)
International (06) -
No. of Books Authored---
Conduct of
Seminar/Workshop/FDPs/MDPsAttended (07)
Conducted (01)
Associate Professor, Corporate Exp. 3 Yrs. Area : HR, OB, General Mgt. MBA, HR, B.Com., B.Ed., Teaching experience 14 yrs,